factors affecting academic performance of university students

This study aims to identify the factors affecting the political participation of Jordanian university students, especially their voting in national and local elections. The study also examines the moderators’ effect of gender, GPA, and student majors on the relationship between ICT and academic achievement. ** * Faculty of Management Studies, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.10.02.2020.p9874 The COVID-19 pandemic and the quarantine period determined that university students (human resource) in Mexico had adopted the online class modality, which required them to adapt themselves to new technologies and environmental conditions that are different from classrooms at their university. FACTORS AFFECTING ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE 419 ers probably indicates lesser maturity. Factors affecting the quality of e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of ... will be beneficial for academic researchers from different countries with a different set of students and framework. The study sought to know the factors affecting study habit and academic performance of National Open University study centre. with factors affect the academic performance of the students. One theoretical perspective of self-confidence that fits well in Kanfer's (1990b) framework of motivation and has particular relevance to enhancing self-confidence in a variety of domains of psychosocial functioning is self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1977, 1986). Moreover, the overall academic performance rating of the students in Mathematics is at a fairly satisfactory level. Objective: The objective of this study is to examine factors such as the students' demographic data, motivation, educational factors and socio-cultural factors, and identify whether these factors affect the academic performance of undergraduate medical students. Abstract- The main objective of this study is to identify the determinants of Economics Students’ academic performance at Jimma University, Ethiopia.A Simple random sampling was used to select 100 students from senior students of Economics Department. FACTORS AFFECTING SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUSITION H. BÄ°LOKCUOĞLU 2. This study considered four such factors: sex, cigarette smoking, class standing, and undergraduate major. Rationale Academic performance is stated to become one of the vital. The factors affecting a student’s academic performance arise from several reasons. Students’ academic performance is affected by several factors which include students’ learning skills, parental background, peer influence, teachers’ quality, learning infrastructure among others. Chapter I: Introduction The present research was conducted to investigate the role or impact of student teacher relationship on academic performance of students.A sizable literature and some other scholarly article suggest that if teachers take the time to build relationships they can motivate their students … Student’s perceptions were taken to determine the factors affecting academic performance. Lot of studies have been conducted in the area of students achievement and these studies identify and analyze the number of factors that affect the academic performance of the student at school, college and even at university level. General objective of the study is to find out factors those influence the academic performance of rift valley university students Specific objective are activities have been found to have effects on students' academic performance. An factors which affect students’ academic performance. Academic performance is one of the main aims of a school or university. Students often find themselves in hard situations where they lose their grip over their academic performance. Educators, trainers, and researchers have long been interested in Considering the pivotal role of academic adjustment for student success, it is important to gain insight into how several motivational and behavioural factors affect academic adjustment and the extent to which academic adjustment influences student success. ALEGRIA V. GARCIA. ... bring the performance level of e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The statement of the research problem is to what limit the factors do such as the socioeconomic status, former school background, and admission point affect student academic performance. To discover the tools that affect the academic performance of students, we have performed thorough research into scholar studies and online articles that link student achievement with different factors. Factors affecting to the poor academic performance of male students with special reference to Faculty of Management Studies of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka Suraweera, S.M.B.L. Parental Influence The home environment shapes a child’s initial views of learning. The objective of the literature review was to explore how mature age students perform academically and to analyse the factors associated with their academic performance in nursing programs. Despite its predictabilities, there is no study has been undertaken to determine the factors affecting the academic performance of student nurses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Exploring The Factors Influencing the Performance in Biology of Senior High School Students at University of Mindanao, Philippines. Factors Affecting Students’ Quality of Academic Performance: A Case of Secondary School Level 2| students’ performance remains at top priority for educators. This article also finds that academic performance of students may be increased by 0.1309 if a student uses Internet by one hour more per day. Kadapatti M.G & Vijayalaxmi A. H. M. Stressors of Academic Stress- A Study on Pre-University Students. How students affect their academic performance? 1,2 Academic performance is a complex process that is influenced by several factors, such as study habits. Academic factors include teaching methods, self-learning efforts, and student previous results, whilst, non-academic performance are those like health factors, personal factors, financial factors, and even the environment and its How does home life affect student performance? Page 174. The question is … through poor grade performance". The performance of students on the module is not affected by such factors as age, sex and place of residence but is associated with qualification in quantitative subjects. This study employed a quantitative-correlational design. 2012;3(1):171-175. The population of mature age students entering university nursing programs has steadily increased in both Australia and worldwide. Academic performance of students is one of the main indicators used to evaluate the quality of education in universities. The investigation carried out by S. P. Singh et al. Therefore, this study suggests policymakers to utilize Internet use as one of most influential factors affecting students’ academic performance in Bangladesh. Introduction. Only one under-achiever and two over-achievers failed to express a definite vocational choice. Learning is a complex process that defies easy definition and description. Although there are many factors which effect on students performance either related to personal life or educational setting but the effects of absenteeism on students performance is more prone to di scu . With this free online Academic Performance Questionnaire, you can seamlessly collect personal performance reviews from students and analyze the … factors affecting the academic performance of college students in the philippines. Condoms, Sex, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Exploring Sexual Health Issues Among Asian-Indian College Students.Sexuality & Culture. It is meant for making a difference locally, regionally, nationally and globally. Each of the factors are further is divided into sub-factors. For this purpose, the study utilized the econometric and descriptive tools to obtain the reliable estimates of the contribution of school, student and family attributes to academic success. 20. King K. A., Vidourek R. A & Singh A. The aim of study is to investigate the factors affecting the academic performance of international students in project management courses. 2017-12-15 -. These social factors affect academic performance in terms of time demanded and the psychological state they may cause. drinking in moderation, getting adequate sleep, and eating nutritiously, and an increase in GPA. The intrinsic factors of this study are measured by PEU and Self-efficacy (SE) (as defined in section 2.2) and SE is found to be directly related to the students’ academic performance in the universities and is a predictor of some measures of success in the university (Gore 2006). It is meant for making a difference locally, regionally, nationally and globally. Some are home, school, teacher, and student factors. Indexed and Abstracted ISSN 2045-8460 (Online) African Journal of Education and Technology ISSN 2045-8452 (Print) Volume 1 Number 2 (2011), pp. project, and can involve the scholars employed in teams to organize. Academic performance at university level is considered up to the mark if the student has persistently maintained his GPA. performance. student performance. In line with this, this research was conducted to determine the factors that affect the academic performance of the nursing students which may consequently help in the improvement of the students and teachers alike. Tuitock, Yambo and Adhanja (2015) found that in Kenya public schools, the key school factors which affect academic performance are modern laboratories and text-books. Hypothesis 8: Perceived social support is positively related to academic performance of students. ...Factors Affecting Academic Performance Abstract The study intends to assess difference in the performance of students at school and university levels and estimates the change in perception of students about contribution of family, teachers, and self- efforts in academic achievements. The independent t-tests, pearson correlation and tobit model were used to investigate factors affecting students academic achievement. Factors, such as demographic profile and attitudes toward the subject, can affect academic performance. Similarly, research suggests that choice in academic major, as well as demographic and behavioral factors, may also be predictive of academic performance and should, therefore, be considered. Guney, Yilmaz (2009). This study will therefore help add information on the role of e-learning on academic performance. An analysis of some factors affecting student academic performance in 83 an introductory biochemistry course at the University of the West Indies financial constraints. It was further found that, the effects of parental involvement on student academic The study is focused to point out the factors affecting academic performance of female university students taking the case of Akusm University. 2. examine effect of poor study habit on academic performance of students. Some of these factors include family, personal habits, attitude, and social activities. Mental health issues are the leading impediment to academic success. Quantitative and qualitative approaches were utilised to identify the problem of home and school factors affecting the academic performance of students in Form 7. Conclusion 19 There is a moderate positive relationship between students who engage in healthy habits, i.e. This therefore, entails the objects, materials, parents, siblings, peers and social life that exists in the home in which the students find himself/herself. By using a quantitative research approach and a … Physical activity affects students’ academic performances in all educational institutions. The examination results are used to measure student academic performance. COLLEGE STUDENTS FACTORS AFFECTING THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF COLLEGE STUDENTS INTRODUCTIONIn the present era of globalization, growing economy and rapid development, the improvement of quality output and retention rates in higher education are of tremendous importance for the development of any nation. student’s academic performance in future endeavours. [4] revealed that there was a positive and statistically significant impact of learning facilities, communication skills and proper guidance from parents on student academic performance. Introduction There have been several studies researching the factors that affect the academic performance of college students. Factors affecting second language acquisition 1. Also, it can be concluded that the extent to which students perceived the factors contributory to memory retention is “very high” and has a moderate and significant relationship to their academic performance in mathematics. 1. A number of studies have identified the positive impact of time management. 2 Study habit is different individual behavior in relation to studying 3 and is a combination of study method and skill. Specifically, the study sought to; 1. determine the relationship between study habit and academic performance of students. An academic performance questionnaire is used by schools to monitor how students perceive their own academic performance. Students from 232 colleges, both … including academic journals. the factors predicting academic performance. Many practical studies are carried out to investigate factors affecting college students' performance. factors affecting students’ academic performance: a case study of puplic secondary schools in ilala district, dar-es-salaam, tanzania jamillah h. maganga a dissertation submmited in partial fulfilment for the requirements of the master degree in education administaration, planning and policy studies of the open university of tanzania 2016 Most of the studies focus on the three intervening elements: parents (family causal factors), teachers (academic causal, factors), and students (personal causal factors… Mental illness can affect students’ motivation, concentration, and social interactions—crucial factors for students to succeed in higher education [].The 2019 Annual Report of the Center for Collegiate Mental Health [] reported that anxiety continues to be the most common problem (62.7% of 82,685 … 1.6 Significance of the Study. Students academic gain and learning performance is affected by numerous factors including gender, age, parental social economic status, medium of teaching, workload of course of study, student-teacher relationship, school background, academic environment, teaching aids and infrastructures e.t.c. For example, Ivwighreghweta and Igere (2014) investigated the impact of the internet on academic performance in selected tertiary institutions in Nigeria and found that most of the students were computer literate and merely access relevant academic materials through the Cyber Café. Factors Affecting Students’ Quality of Academic Performance: A Case of Secondary School Level 2| students’ performance remains at top priority for educators. This study is a prospective investigation of the academic performance of Rift valley university students. However, others of the under-achieving group made choices, such as mechanic, secretary, and building contractor, that appear to reflect realistic self-evaluations. Accounting Education, An International Journal, 18(1), 51-73. The study is focused to point out the factors affecting academic performance of female university students taking the case of descriptive tools to obtain the reliable estimates of the contribution of school, student and family attributes to academic success. In view of the current poor state of Nigerian Universities, this study sought to identify the institutional factors that affect students’ academic performance and proffered strategies for addressing them. Indicator is defined as “A thing that indicates the position or level of something.’’(Oxford dictionary). In terms of the thematic analysis, our data revealed that there are four major factors determining the eating behavior and dietary intake of resident students in the university, including individual factors, societal factors, environmental factors, and factors related to the university . Another important factor is the sleeping habits of the student. Factors affecting the Academic Performance of university students residing … 85 Hypothesis 7: Satisfaction with student housing facility is positively related to academic performance of students. 3. Physical Activity. The numbers of part-time and mature students has also risen sharply. Sleeping is one of the most significant basic need that humans need. Internal Forces This is a powerful argument in favour of improving teacher education especially in developing countries. They are important factors to consider in every learning institution. Factors Affecting Students' Performance Determinants of students' performance have been the subject of ongoing debate among educators, academics, and policy makers. Without motivation, proper curriculum and good instruction are not enough to guarantee the success of students (Dornyei and Csizer, 1998). number of studies have been carried out to identify causal factors of poor academic performance in a number of institutions worldwide. Political and legal factors broadly define the activities which an oganisation can undertake and the methods which will be followed by it in accomplishing those activities. To achieve this aim, a conceptual framework including three categories of factors: (i) Teaching Style, (ii) English Language and Communication and (iii) Assessment Methods was developed and empirically tested on a sample of international students … The present research study was design to investigate the factors affecting academic performance of graduate students of Islamia University of Bahawalpur Rahim Yar Khan Campus. First of all, the study findings provide an idea about the e-learning aspects and academic performance in order to provide key information to further research work in such areas. Factors Affecting Students' Academic Performance. performance in form four examinations was associated with poor working environment for teachers, poor supply of teaching and learning materials (61.6%), high teacher-students ratio (1:65) and poor teaching methodology (46%). function as the critical success factors by which the work will. those factors which are affecting student’s academic performance. Theoretical perspectives on factors affecting the academic performance of students 997 Bennett (2003, 127) elaborates on the two aspects of Tinto’s model. Any changes in these political and legal factors may affect the organization operation. Results showed that there is a significant … School based factors are factors within the school which influence academic performance. Exogenous and endogenous factors impacting student performance in undergraduate accounting modules. Factors Affecting Students Academic Performance in 2020-2021 Simply put, this school year, there are more factors to consider when looking at student performance. Aside from natural items that come up, such as a student’s academic track record or reported learning challenges, wrenches have been thrown into the mix due to the current pandemic. performance of many students, their impact vary with context (Park & Kerr, 1990). The researcher would therefore like to establish the factors affecting the academic performance of undergraduate students of Raya University with specific reference to entrance exam result (admission points), gender, socioeconomic status of the student, socioeconomic status of 45- 51 ww.sachajournals.com THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE: A CASE STUDY OF ISLAMIA UNIVERSITY OF BAHAWALPUR, PAKISTAN Muhammad DANIYAL1; Tahir NAWAZ1; Muhammad ALEEM1; Ali … Indian Journal of Scientific Research. There are several factors affecting the student’academic performanc­e. gration into the academic domain of the college (e.g. Introduction. Their finding identify students’ effort, 2.0. This study tried to identify the factors that have effects on the academic performances of university students in the Sylhet Region. There are factors affecting student motivation and student achievement considerably on the basis of establishing effective and efficient learning-teaching process in education systems. It is also found that those who live near the university perform better than other students. This module reviews some of the philosophical issues involved with defining learning and describes in some detail the characteristics of learners and of encoding activities that seem to affect how well people can acquire new memories, knowledge, or skills. *, Kuruppu, K.A.D.T.D. Analysis of Factors Influencing the Academic Performance of Undergraduates in Kampar Page 2 of 96 Safiyyah, 2008). Many of the studies that have investigated university students' success have taken the approach of measuring factors that were thought to be related to academic success and correlating them with Grade Point Average (GPA) or some other meas ure of actual success. Independent t-test was used to find out the mean difference of academic results between two groups of students. All the variables in the home that affect a The results are presented below. A student may be influenced to be involved in any of the stated variables. The Social Science Journal, 42, 295-300. This study investigates and explores the adoption of information communication technology by the universities and the impact it makes on the university students’ academic performance. INTRODUCTION It is quite observable that some learners learn a new language more quickly than others, because they are successful by virtue of their strong determination, hard work and persistence. However, external factors may affect on student’s academic performance such as social media usage. onversely, student’s academic performance isn't always an absolute measure of student's intelligence. Educators, trainers, and researchers have long been interested in The focus of this study is on the home environmental factors affecting the academic performance of the students. Most of the factors are home related: family size, financial burden, work at home, parental attitude towards education and parenting style. The use of information technology also means that information that used Factors Affecting Academic Performance of COE Students CHAPTER 1 The Issue and it is Scope I. In doing this an attempt performance of Fijian students in Form 7. Gutierrez, M & Manuel, T. (2018). OneClass surveyed more than 14,000 freshmen, sophomore and junior students about their fall 2020 experience. 2.2.4 School factors which contribute to academic performance. Factors Affecting Students Academic Performance in 2020-2021 Simply put, this school year, there are more factors to consider when looking at student performance. Factors Affecting Academic Performance Good academic performance is not only associated with brightest students rather it is a prize anyone can get by working hard. The present study has great significance. Many college students are reporting that the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted their academic performance, according to a survey from OneClass, an education technology company that provides virtual access to study materials. Time management skills have been shown to have a positive impact on student learning and student outcomes (Kearns & Gardiner, 2007; Kelly, 2002; McKenzie & Gow, 2004) and Krause and Coates (2008) report that the capacity to successfully manage their time is the foundation of students developing good study … Archival records from the Examination Section of the Ministry of Education were collected to identify the high and low performing schools. Some studies of factors affecting the academic performance of school children conclude that the influence of classroom variables, like the education of the teacher, is of greater importance in developing countries than in other countries. From several reasons of Rift factors affecting academic performance of university students university students in Form 7 Health Issues Among Asian-Indian college Students.Sexuality & Culture sleeping. 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