benefits of comparative investigation

The application of research methods could be studied in the context of business and management or in social psychology to understand a social process. RESEARCH SEMINAR IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS School of Public Policy The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1220 Discussion Paper No. To maximize benefits from public investments in CER, it is important to understand the value of CER from the perspectives of these stakeholders and how that affects their incentives to invest in CER. This qualitative comparative The chapter concludes by reaffirming the benefit and explanatory power of comparative education research which takes the complexities of context into account and uses this to meaningfully inform education policymaking and reform. This methodology focuses more on the “what” of the research subject than the “why” of the research subject. Comparative research in history or Politics can give you a lens into the mechanisms used to understand, manipulate, or evaluate them. With the medical students gathered around, the physicians conducting the autopsy observed that the patient's lungs were speckled with large dark masses of cells that had caused extensi… What are the three types of investigation? Search for more papers by this author. Name one benefit and one limitation of comparative investigations. It is easier to do research if the subjects know each other well. 2 b. Comparative investigation involves the collecting or collection of data on different population under different conditions or basics e.g time, location of the year by making comparisons. Has a research question, procedures, and conclusion Used when little is known about the topic No hypothesis or prediction For a wide range of approaches—from prevention programs designed for young children Despite its limitations, we are optimistic that comparative effectiveness research will improve healthcare, potentially at lower cost. T he skin is the largest organ of the human body with numerous complex functions essential for our survival. Many natural phenomenon has been found by … Limitations of comparative methods 1 a. Treatment is compared may be devices, tests, procedures, or other intervention designed to improve health. Importance of Comparative law. In this way, you are learning and creating instead of … 15. Comparative investigations involve collecting data on different organisms/objects/features, or collecting data under different conditions (e.g., times of year, temperatures, locations) to make a comparison. Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) can be an important tool for patients as well as those who care for them. When “cross-national” is added to the term “comparative research”, the definition will seem more specific. Question is: 1. Strategies in comparative case studies include research on the basis of community, place, perspective, structure, system, scale, transects, gradients, time, events, analogs, or theory as organizing principles. However, they may reveal relationships that do not always indicate cause and effect. Times New Roman size 12. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Comparative Research Methods. Pierre Flourens, a student of Charles Darwin and George Romanes, became the first to use the term in his book Comparative Psychology (Psychologie Comparée), which was published in 1864. Speaking of There are weighty reasons for thinking that the practical irrelevance of much contempor-ary work in Comparative Education is taken for granted by a majority of politicians, economists, sociologists and planners generally. Through comparison we can de-center what is taken for granted in a particular time or place after we learn that something was not always so, or that it is different elsewhere, or for other people. 423 Benefits and Costs of Following Comparative Advantage Alan V. Deardorff University of Michigan January 12, 1998 Recent RSIE Discussion Papers are available on the World Wide Web at: Dr. Rivara, you are absolutely right about the importance of integrated care, especially with regards to mechanically based spine pain. The comparative financial statement provides necessary information for comparison of trends in related items e.g. The benefits derive from the fact that only a comparative approach can hope to identify the factors that are specific to national health care systems, as distinct from being common to all such systems. Trials. from the descriptions of social life provided by participant observation and unstructured interviews to information from written sources. In addition to its implications for human health and well-being, comparative genomics may benefit Although the obstacles to successful cross-national comparisons may be considerable, so are the benefits: 1. In 1882, Romanes published his book Animal Intelligence, in which he proposed a science and It helps control variables that might influence a study. More ... The working and behaviour of various natural aspects can be found. Risks and Benefits of Comparative Studies expounding this view is, of course, Titmuss's The Gift Relationship (1970): an eloquent disquisition on the advantages of a health care sys-tem based on altruism and mutual help, freely given, over one where financial considerations corrupt even the blood supply. If you do not study in a comparative … No matter how new a problem may be to us, we are never the first person to tackle it. Answer: Describe investigation involves the act of quantifying segments of a natural system. CER generally does not include placebo-controlled trials and often focuses on broader, more heterogeneous populations (i.e., "real world" populations). Finally, the paper discusses the impediments to and the future of comparative crime and criminal justice research. Corpus ID: 218073071. Comparative effectiveness research (CER) can provide valuable information for patients, providers and payers. In a comparative investigation, a scientist looks for patterns through comparison of similarities and differences over time and under various conditions. Comparative investigations have a research question, possible hypothesis, procedures, and a conclusion. The strength of comparative analysis as a research design is its ability to introduce additional explanatory variables (or to allow variation in variables which take a fixed value in the initial case of interest), and to show that relations are more or less general For Example, comparing the growth of two plants-one with fertilizer, one without. three approaches or theories evaluate the usefulness of conducting comparative policy research.The comparative approach to the study of social life has a long tradition dating back to Ancient Greece. to be more fashionable and evolving than ever, as results from contemporary comparative research can be found in nearly all disciplines and applied to the study of almost any topic, ranging from comparative study of the working conditions across nations, to the analysis of … The basic causal-comparative approach involves starting with an effect and seeking possible causes (retrospective). J Am Geriatr Soc. There is increasing interest in estimating the broader benefits of public health interventions beyond those captured in traditional cost-utility analyses. Ideally all teacher candidates, could benefit by taking the course, however, for various reasons, it was not N Engl J Med 2013; 369:892-894. A fundamental project of Comparative Literature is to cultivate reading across linguistic boundaries in order to highlight everything that the exclusive focus on a national literature tends to obscure. Name one benefit and one limitation of comparative investigations. Comparative investigations provide large amounts of information and use a wide range of variables. However, they may reveal relationships that do not always indicate cause and effect. Comparative research on benefit packages Background Information The Office Place is a new retail venture that is located in Omaha, NE that sells office supplies to retail “face-to-face” customers, online customers as well as to other businesses (primarily in bulk). A comparative study of Compensation & Benefits packages satisfaction of Indian public versus private banks employees @article{Nidhi2015ACS, title={A comparative study of Compensation & Benefits packages satisfaction of Indian public versus private banks employees}, author={Nidhi}, journal={International journal of applied research}, year={2015}, volume={1}, … Comparative effectiveness research, the use of science to assess the value of medical treatments, has become part of the debate over health care reform but remains widely misunderstood, according to experts at a recent Capitol Hill luncheon briefing organized by AAAS and The Hastings Center. DepEd has ordered its schools heads and administrators across the country It is important for the study of behaviour of many organisms. of different types of research questions that can be addressed with comparative research, as well as the most common statistical techniques associated with those ... To fully exploit these benefits, it is essential that the objects of analysis are Compare and contrast descriptive and analytic comparative research. Comparative effectiveness research examines the degree to which alternative treatments for the same health problem produce equivalent or different health outcomes. Risks and Benefits of Screening for Dementia in Primary Care: The Indiana University Cognitive Health Outcomes Investigation of the Comparative Effectiveness of Dementia Screening (IU CHOICE)Trial. CER addresses issues of relative effectiveness (comparing two or more tests, treatments/interventions, care delivery systems, or policies of interest). An opportunity cost is the foregone benefits from choosing one alternative over others. In the social sciences comparative research is widely employed to describe the studies of societies, cultures, institutions etc. This paper provides insights and a framework to guide good decision making that involves the full range of high-quality comparative effectiveness research techniques, including observational research. The concentration in Comparative Literature at BU is designed for students whose interest in literature embraces works in multiple languages. The article is organized as follows. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1309322. By taking advantage of - and analyzing- the evolutionary relationships between species and the corresponding differences in their DNA, scientists can better understand how the appearance, behavior and biology of living things have changed over time. More specifically, it involves study of the different legal systems in existence in the world, including the common law, the civil law, socialist law, Islamic law, Hindu law, and Chinese law. Benefits of Comparative Effectiveness Research April 29, 2009, 9:00 am Comparative effectiveness research is under attack as a new way to limit access to the best health care. Comparative effectiveness research (CER) holds the promise of improving patient-centered care and increasing value in the healthcare system. Akiba A. Cohen. What is comparative investigation? Comparative approach are explained by numerous researchers as relating to a type of evaluation that contrasts one ideology or investigative plan aligned with others. There are many ways to measure the success of … However, these dynamics in the global pattern of trade and the principle role played by comparative advantage in explaining them has been subjected to inadequate scholarly investigation. Using computer-based analysis to zero in on the genomic features that have been preserved in multiple organisms over millions of years, researchers will be able to pinpoint the signals that control gene function, which in turn should translate into innovative approaches for treating human disease and improving human health. the analyst can compare the trend of sales with the trend of accounts receivable which gives very useful information. The basic approach starts with cause and investigates its effects on some variable (prospective). These stakeholders differ in their incentives to invest in CER. Our preliminary studies confirmed significant diversity in the language and concepts employed within the th… Comparison is compelling because it reminds us that social phenomena are not fixed or ‘natural’. Questionnaires and structured interviews are typical methods used when gaining quantitative data, as the results are easily transferable to a numerical form. In the initial stages of our project, we chose to define 'migrant/minority' women broadly as those women who trace a significant part of their family heritage outside their current country of residence. Owing to the inconclusive findings of research regarding the health benefits of pet ownership, we compared perceived health, stress, life satisfaction, happiness, and psychosomatic symptoms in dog owners and non–dog owners. Science journals, science logs, and field notebooks are some of the tools scientists use to gather information for descriptive investigations. 798 Benefits and challenges of doing research: Experiences from Philippine public school teachers teacher’s teaching evaluation and performance appraisal at the end of the school year (Ulla, 2016). This paper explores the value of qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) in public health research using the example of a pilot case management intervention for long-term incapacity benefit recipients. Comparative Research. Comparative Analysis Project Summary: Benefits All H&W Benefits All Retirement Benefits: General Government All Retirement Benefits: Public Safety All Leave Benefits All Benefits: General Government All Benefits: Public Safety Metro vs. Peers 106 184 128 100 122 113 Metro vs. National Academy of Sciences, defines “comparative effectiveness research” as “the generation and synthesis of evidence that compares the benefits and harms of alternative methods to prevent, diagnose, treat, and monitor a clinical condition or improve the delivery of care.” One area is comparative effectiveness research (CER), which the Institute of Medicine (IOM) 1 defined as “the generation and synthesis of evidence that compares the benefits and harms of alternative methods to prevent, diagnose, treat, and monitor a clinical condition or to improve the delivery of care.” Achieving these goals, however, depends on effectively implementing the findings of CER. Despite its limitations, we are optimistic that comparative effectiveness research will improve healthcare, potentially at lower cost. An underappreciated avenue of CER and a source of potential health benefits and cost-savings, however, is the comparative effectiveness of healthcare delivery systems. 2. Comparative bureaucratic corruption illustrates both the benefits and t h e difficult methodological problems encountered, in this case revealing why rich and stable polities can depend on legal–rational norms while poor and unstable polities a r e more susceptible t o systemic deviant conduct by public officials. Hantrais Akiba A. Cohen. Comparative genomics also provides a powerful tool for studying evolution. Comparative research is a broad term that refers to the use of qualitative and quantitative research techniques to compare any particular issue within two different contexts. Comparative analysis is always a method I like to use, and the point of learning from competitors is to add in your own thoughts. All responses must be typed double spaced. Risks and Benefits of Screening for Dementia in Primary Care: The Indiana University Cognitive Health Outcomes Investigation of the Comparative Effectiveness of Dementia Screening (IU CHOICE)Trial Nicole R. Fowler PhD, MHSA , This typically looks at your existing benefits package as part of total compensation and assesses both usage and employee reception. There are always examples to learn from. Comparative law is the study of differences and similarities between the law of different countries. A well-chosen comparative study Example – observing cells under a microscope and diagramming what is seen. Scope and Significance. C. Comparative Research involve collecting data on different populations or organisms, or under different conditions (e.g., times of year, locations), to make a comparison. The big question now is whether Comparative Education people are to have a practical hand in it-or to be ignored as irrelevant. A generous employee benefits package can be an excellent way to keep the talent you have, and to recruit the cream of the crop. It also discusses the different types of research that could be pur-sued and their likely benefits and costs. Answer (1 of 4): There are a number of advantages of descriptive research, however the two main benefits of this research method is being able to use various forms of data as well as incorporating human experience. Comparative law is the study of differences and similarities between the law (legal systems) of different countries.More specifically, it involves the study of the different legal "systems" (or "families") in existence in the world, including the common law, the civil law, socialist law, Canon law, Jewish Law, Islamic law, Hindu law, and Chinese law. The goal of CER is to provide stakeholders (patients, caregivers, providers, payers, policy makers) with … This research brief Results from our comparative effectiveness investigation suggest that clinical outcomes with use of generics and brand products for serious chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, and depression and anxiety are broadly equivalent. 1. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) in principle offers a way to capture such benefits, but a wide variety of methods have been used to monetise benefits in CBAs. A Comparative Empirical Investigation of Agency and Market Theories of Insider Trading Laura N. Beny University of Michigan Law School, [email protected] ... legislation, and are inconsistent with theories that emphasize the benefits of insider trading and oppose regulatory intervention. National Academy of Sciences, defines “comparative effectiveness research” as “the generation and synthesis of evidence that compares the benefits and harms of alternative methods to prevent, diagnose, treat, and monitor a clinical condition or improve the delivery of care.” Benefits Proposed Rule on Comparative Effectiveness Research Fees Issued For calendar year plans, the first annual payment is due July 31, 2013—to be … An employee benefits analysis is a research project organizations run to identify the current satisfaction with their benefits packages. Globalization has been a major factor, increasing the desire and possibility for educational exchanges and intellectual curiosity about other cultures. Just from $13,9/Page. The advent of online survey tools has led to widespread use of quantitative surveys in order to collect, analyze, and use data that can contribute to a more effective business model, better marketing strategies, improved customer service and more. Comparative investigations provide large amounts of information and use a wide range of variables. The Comparative Effectiveness and Implementation Research Training (CEIRT) Program produces researchers who can identify the best choices for improving population health—from screening programs and diagnostic tests to treatment and surveillance to health system changes. (4 days ago) Benefit of comparative investigation is that we can get descrete information about specific breed or species. Quantitative data is usually in the form of statistics. Li JS, Xie Y, Li SY, Yu XQ. Comparative law is the study of differences and similarities between the law (legal systems) of different countries.More specifically, it involves the study of the different legal "systems" (or "families") in existence in the world, including the common law, the civil law, socialist law, Canon law, Jewish Law, Islamic law, Hindu law, and Chinese law. Descriptive investigations use careful observations and measurements to develop findings. Its primary function is to serve as a protective barrier against the environment. In addition, the paper discusses the benefits and drawbacks of using various available data sources which support macro‐, micro‐, or mixed‐ level analyses. To understand the theory behind a comparative advantage, it is crucial to understand the idea of an opportunity cost. For example, a laborer can use one hour of work to produce either 1 cloth or 3 wines. Comparison is a popular research technique which has several benefits and widespread application. Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, USA. To understand the implications of different CBA approaches for capturing … On the other hand is a disadvantage of comparative case studies that the entire focus is on a single cause only, which doesn't provide answers if there are possibly more explaining variables (Mahoney, 2007: 135). THE COMPARATIVE COSTS AND BENEFITS OF PROGRAMS TO REDUCE CRIME Version 4.0 Abstract This report describes the “bottom-line” economics of programs that try to reduce crime. 1. 2014 May 1;15:153. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-15-153. Looking to have a paper written for BJC470 - Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology. 14. A comparative analysis is a good workaround, but if possible, still do your own user interviews or user tests. Comparative Analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Method. Get custom paper. To provide ethically appropriate oversight and informed consent for randomized, controlled comparative effectiveness research … In 1919, Dr. George Dock, chairman of the Department of Medicine at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, asked all of the third- and fourth-year medical students at the teaching hospital to observe an autopsy of a man with a disease so rare, he claimed, that most of the students would likely never see another case of it in their careers. An underappreciated avenue of CER and a source of potential health benefits and cost-savings, however, is the comparative effectiveness of healthcare delivery systems. Comparative research is a reliable way of getting your bearings on any type of project. Treatments include more than medications. Descriptive research definition: Descriptive research is defined as a research method that describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon studied. Download Comparative Costs and Benefits of Permanent Supportive Housing in Knoxville Research category: Cost Savings « Back to the Network's Publications page It can protect against harmful chemicals, ultraviolet radiation, and pathogenic organisms, while at the same time it can produce vitamin D and regulate body temperature and … Scientists use comparative anatomy to study the … In this article, we draw on lessons from implementation research and our experience in the Veterans Administration (VA) healthcare system to offer recommendations … Comparative anatomy is the investigation and comparison of the structures of different animals. That said, the way we learn from others’ examples can make the difference between uncritical emulation and a solution that fits the unique problem and context we’re facing. We recognised the need to explore the ways in which ethnic and migrant statuses are understood across the three countries, rather than impose any rigid conceptualisation or operationalisation from the outset. The Challenges of Practitioner Research: A Comparative Study of Singapore and NSW Neville John Ellis Tony Loughland, UNSW Abstract: Practitioner research is considered an integral form of professional learning for teachers but in its implementation it will often encounter significant challenges. Consequently, this research will be a profound effort to address this gap and result in an insufficient explanation of the correlation between these two valuables. There are numerous reasons that comparative research has come to take a place of honour in the toolbox of the social scientist. When researchers from different backgrounds are brought together on collaborative or cross-national projects, valuable personal contacts can be established, enabling them to capitalise on their experience and knowledge of different intellectual traditions and to compare and evaluate a variety of conceptual approaches. Comparative communication research is a combination of substance (specific objects of investigation studied in different macro-level contexts) and method (identification of differences and similarities following established rules and using equivalent concepts). It reviews the current state of such research in both the public and private sectors and discusses several mechanisms for organizing and funding additional research efforts. It uses QCA to examine how the ‘health improvement’ effects of the intervention varied by individual and service characteristics. Comparative Costs and Benefits of Programs to Reduce Crime A Review of National Research With Implications for Washington State The Washington State Institute for Public Policy recently completed a report describing the “bottom-line” economics of various programs that attempt to reduce criminal behavior. Survey research is quickly becoming the number one tool that market researchers use to gather data. for research on comparative effectiveness. 2020 Mar;68(3):535-543. doi: 10.1111/jgs.16247. Three Types of Science Investigations Descriptive Investigation: Involve describing and/or quantifying parts of a natural system. Paper need to be 350-500 words (1-2 pages) in length. Comparative effectiveness research (CER) compares two or more treatments on the basis of effectiveness, benefit and risk. Comparison of conventional medicine, TCM treatment, and combination of both conventional medicine and TCM treatment for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: study protocol of a randomized comparative effectiveness research trial. Causal-comparative research is an attempt to identify a causative relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable.The relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable is usually a suggested relationship (not proven) because you (the researcher) do not have complete control over the independent variable. D. Experimental research is the manipulation and control of variables. Benefits and Pitfalls of Comparative Research on News Production, Content, and Audiences. benefits of offering a comparative and international education course on the graduate level for the study of comparative education helps one better understand one’s practices (Bereday, 1964. It was a book Retrospective causal-comparative studies are far more common in educational research. Thus, the question is: how does comparative communication research proceed in practice? Epub 2019 Dec 2. The strength of comparative analysis as a research design is its ability to introduce additional explanatory variables (or to allow variation in variables which take a fixed value in the initial case of interest), and to show that relations are more or less general Research method that describes benefits of comparative investigation characteristics of the structures of different animals, logs. These goals, however, they may reveal relationships that do not always indicate cause and effect the!, increasing the desire and possibility for educational exchanges and intellectual curiosity about other cultures two. Educational research, a laborer can use one hour of work to produce either 1 cloth or wines! 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